Artist List
The Historical Society of Woodstock’s fine art collection contains over 700 works, including paintings, prints, watercolors, drawings and sculpture. It has been assembled since the 1930’s with donations from Woodstock artists, individuals and estates. In the 1980s, Sam Klein, director of acquisitions, gave major encouragement to local artists to donate their work to the HSW collection, and also gathered works of earlier historical significance. With very few exceptions, the artists represented in the collection have played an active role in the social and historical fabric of the art colony. The collection includes portraits of leading local individuals, artists and musicians; views of noteworthy houses, streets, places of business and architecture; views of rural life, events and village scenes; and landscapes that capture Woodstock’s unique natural character and exquisite beauty.

NAME | Date of birth | Date of death | |
Ackerman, Bruce | 1935 | ||
Alan, Jay Klein | 1907 | 1965 | |
Alexander, Franklin | 1925 | 2007 | |
Allen, Bill | |||
Anderson, David Stoutenburg | |||
Angeloch, Mara | 1930 | 2013 | |
Angeloch, Robert | 1922 | 2011 | |
Appel, Marianne | 1913 | 1988 | |
Arlt, William | 1868 | 1952 | |
Arnold, Dean | 1916 | 1981 | |
Arnold, Grant | 1904 | 1988 | |
Arnt, Paul | 1881 | 1978 | |
Artinian, Artine | 1907 | 2005 | |
Avery, March | 1932 | ||
Avery, Milton | 1893 | 1965 | |
Avery, Sally Michel | 1902 | 2003 | |
Axel, Jane | 1925 | 2015 | |
Bachinsky, Olenka | 1945 | ||
Bachinsky, Vladimir | 1936 | ||
Bacon, Norman | 1945 | ||
Baensch, Christian E. | 1931 | 2004 | |
Banks, John Lisney | 1860 | 1940 | |
Barrere, Cecile | |||
Beck, Rosemarie | 1923 | 2003 | |
Beere, Tommy (Zaidenberg) | 1908 | 2001 | |
Beggs, Mary Jane | |||
Bender, Leslie | 1952 | ||
Bentley, John W. | 1880 | 1951 | |
Berg, Jonathan | |||
Betrand, Silviana | |||
Bickham, Helen | |||
Bierhals, Agnes Baskin | 1893 | 1976 | |
Bierhals, Otto | 1879 | 1944 | |
Blacker, E. | |||
Blanch, Arnold | 1896 | 1968 | |
Blanch, Lucile | 1895 | 1981 | |
Blitzer, Bobby | 1938 | ||
Bloch, Julius | 1888 | 1966 | |
Bobbette, Walter | 1861 | 1938 | |
Bollman, Mari | |||
Bolton, Clarence W. | 1893 | 1962 | |
Borkman, Elfriede (Mangels) | 1905 | 1994 | |
Brace, Reeves | 1898 | 1932 | |
Braun, Lynda Fay | |||
Breth, Adele | 1908 | 1988 | |
Broad, Elizabeth | |||
Brokenshaw, Brock (Frank T.) | 1912 | 2004 | |
Brokenshaw, Louise | 1907 | 1992 | |
Bromberg, Manuel | 1917 | 2022 | |
Brook, Alexander | 1898 | 1980 | |
Brower, Tode | 1898 | 1974 | |
Brown, Bolton | 1864 | 1936 | |
Brown, Clarence | 1890 | 1987 | |
Brown, Pamela (Ravenal) | 1883 | 1955 | |
Brown, Susann Foster | 1944 | ||
Buhalis, Nicholas | 1929 | 1994 | |
Bullard, Marion | 1878 | 1950 | |
Burgess, J. | |||
Burke, Ainslie | 1922 | 1991 | |
Burlin, Paul | 1886 | 1969 | |
Bush, Clare | 1935 | ||
Buttrick, Helen Goodrich | 1924 | 1961 | |
Byman, Isabelle | 1906 | 1981 | |
Cabot, Petra | 1907 | 2006 | |
Cantine, Jo | 1893 | 1987 | |
Cantine, Rennie | 1959 | ||
Carey, Alan | 1946 | ||
Carlson, John F. | 1875 | 1945 | |
Carlson, Robert | 1916 | 1963 | |
Carroll, John | 1892 | 1959 | |
Cashdollar, Sarah | 1871 | 1952 | |
Chambers, Richard Munsell | 1909 | 1963 | |
Chaplin, Christine | 1900 | 1979 | |
Chase, Marion Cornet | 1874 | 1957 | |
Chavez, Eduardo | 1917 | 1995 | |
Chichester, Cecil | 1891 | 1948 | |
Claire, Leilani | 1942 | 2005 | |
Cochran, Allen Dean | 1888 | 1971 | |
Cohen, Adele B. | |||
Corbett, David W. | 1943 | 2012 | |
Cramer, Aileen B. | 1917 | 2005 | |
Cramer, Florence Ballin | 1884 | 1962 | |
Cramer, Konrad | 1888 | 1963 | |
Crampton, Rollin McNeil | 1886 | 1970 | |
Crane, Stanley | 1906 | 1973 | |
Crist, Richard | 1909 | 1985 | |
Currie, Bruce | 1911 | 2011 | |
Currier, Nathaniel | 1813 | 1888 | |
Davidson, Jean | 1923 | 2003 | |
Davies, Gwen | 1889 | 1976 | |
De Diego, Julio | 1900 | 1979 | |
Decker, Lindsey | 1923 | 1994 | |
Dederick, Frances | 1906 | 1973 | |
Dehn, Adolf (Arthur) | 1895 | 1968 | |
Densen, Michael | 1941 | ||
deSoleil, Margarete | |||
Dick, Audrey (Kessler) | 1930 | 2004 | |
Dimitrievana, Anna Hitchcock | |||
Dodds, Peggy (Williams) | 1900 | 1987 | |
Dorfman, Bruce | 1936 | ||
Downer, Kenneth | 1903 | 1975 | |
Dows, Olin | 1904 | 1981 | |
Drake, Franklin R. | 1929 | 2001 | |
Drogseth, Eistein Olaf | 1874 | 1947 | |
DuCharme, Annick | 1919 | 1990 | |
Earley, Mary | 1900 | 1992 | |
Edwards, Eleanor | 1906 | 1980 | |
Edwards, Emmet | 1906 | 1981 | |
Elder, Donald | |||
Elliott, Joan | 1956 | ||
Ernst, John G. | 1920 | 1995 | |
Esposito, Michael | 1940 | ||
Everett, M. | |||
Evett, Kenneth | 1913 | 2005 | |
Faggi, Alfeo | 1885 | 1966 | |
Farrell, Elizabeth | |||
Fasoldt, Staats | |||
Fastove, Aaron | 1898 | 1979 | |
Fenton, John (Jack) | 1912 | 1977 | |
Fenton, Sophie | 1916 | 2005 | |
Fiene, Ernest | 1894 | 1965 | |
Fiene, Paul | 1899 | 1949 | |
Fischer, Anton Otto | 1882 | 1962 | |
Flannagan, John Bernard | 1895 | 1942 | |
Forman, Cecile | 1905 | 1995 | |
Fortess, Karl | 1907 | 1993 | |
Foster, Holland | 1906 | 1984 | |
Frank, Mary | 1933 | ||
Franklin, George | |||
Fruhauf, Aline | 1907 | 1978 | |
Gardiner, B. Sturdevant | 1893 | 1990 | |
Gaw,D'Arcy ((Elizabeth Eleanor) | 1868 | 1944 | |
Gelfand, Dan | 1948 | ||
Geltman, Lily | 1903 | 2000 | |
Gerardia, Helen | 1903 | 1988 | |
Germain, Cecile | 1912 | 2004 | |
Gershoy, Eugenie | 1901 | 1986 | |
Glaser, Milton | 1929 | 2020 | |
Godwin, Stephanie | 1917 | 2006 | |
Goetz, MaryAnna | 1946 | ||
Goltz, Walter (Pop) | 1875 | 1953 | |
Golubov, Maurice | 1905 | 1987 | |
Goodenough, Forrest | |||
Goodman, Joan | 1937 | ||
Goss, Beryl | 1923 | ||
Gottlieb, Harry | 1895 | 1992 | |
Gottschalk, Dan | 1919 | 1979 | |
Greenpepper, Dorothy A. | 1936 | ||
Greenwood, Grace | 1902 | 1979 | |
Greenwood, Marion | 1909 | 1970 | |
Gregory, Bruce G. | 1917 | 2002 | |
Greiss, Avhrahan | |||
Grimm, Calvin | 1945 | ||
Gudmundsen, F. Tor | 1949 | ||
Haeberlin, Carolyn | 1913 | 2000 | |
Haile, Winifred | |||
Handell, Albert | 1937 | ||
Hart, Agnes | 1912 | 1979 | |
Hartman, Rosella | 1894 | 1993 | |
Hastie, Barbara | |||
Hazard, Catherine | 1954 | ||
Heermann, Norbert | 1891 | 1966 | |
Heigemeir, Franz | 1930 | 2018 | |
Herrick, Griffin J. | 1890 | 1958 | |
Hervey, Wilna | 1894 | 1979 | |
Herzel, Paul | 1876 | 1956 | |
Hillman, Mercy Ann | |||
Holin | |||
Howe, Gurdon | 1903 | 1984 | |
Howland, Isabella | 1895 | 1974 | |
Hubbard, Florence | |||
Huffine, David | 1911 | 1973 | |
Hutty, Alfred | 1877 | 1954 | |
Ives, Dorothy Greenwood | 1879 | 1973 | |
Ives, Neil | 1890 | 1946 | |
Jai, Ronnye (Shapiro) | |||
James, Mary | 1959 | ||
Jacquez, Albert | 1895 | 1962 | |
Jeffrey, Richard | 1919 | 2020 | |
Johner, Carl | |||
Johnson, Ben | 1902 | 1967 | |
Johnson, Heidi Lensson | |||
Johnson, Kristy Bishop | |||
Jones, Jane | 1907 | 2001 | |
Jones, Louis Edward | 1878 | 1958 | |
Jones, Steve | |||
Kandora, Brunie | 1932 | ||
Karasz, Ilonka | 1896 | 1981 | |
Karavolinis, Harry | |||
Karfiol, Bernard | 1886 | 1952 | |
Karns, Adna | |||
Kassler, Max | 1905 | 1992 | |
Kelly, Pat | |||
Kelsey, Bryn | |||
Kent, Rockwell | 1882 | 1971 | |
Keveson, Florence | |||
Klein, Stuart | 1942 | ||
Kleinberg, Lee | |||
Kleinhans, John | 1942 | ||
Klika, Thom | 1943 | 2009 | |
Klitgaard, Georgina | 1893 | 1977 | |
Koff, Ethel | 1918 | 1992 | |
Komroff, Manuel | 1890 | 1974 | |
Kooistra, Andrew | 1924 | ||
Kosakowsky, Rebecca | 1909 | 1984 | |
Koschetski, Alfred | |||
Kroll, Leon | 1884 | 1974 | |
Lagatta, John | 1894 | 1977 | |
Laros, Fred | |||
Larsen, Frank | 1895 | 1991 | |
Laufman, Sidney | 1891 | 1985 | |
Lazansky, Edward | 1930 | 2022 | |
Leaycraft, Julia Searing | 1885 | 1960 | |
LeBlanc, Wilfred F. | 2004 | ||
Lee, Doris | 1905 | 1983 | |
Lemily, W. C. | |||
Leventhal, Ethel | 1911 | 1984 | |
Levy, Martha | |||
Lieberman, Meyer | 1924 | 2013 | |
Lindin, Carl Olaf Eric | 1869 | 1942 | |
Little, Marie | 1866 | 1949 | |
Locke, Walter Ronald | 1883 | 1949 | |
Lockspeiser, Eleanore | 1900 | 1986 | |
Logan, Daniel | 1936 | 2021 | |
London, Frank | 1875 | 1945 | |
Love, Eva | |||
Ludins, Eugene David | 1904 | 1996 | |
Lund, Judy | |||
MacReady, William | 1897 | 1956 | |
Magafan, Ethel | 1916 | 1993 | |
Malkine, Georges A. | 1898 | 1970 | |
Malkine, Gilles | 1948 | ||
Malkine, Sonia | 1923 | 2014 | |
Mandel, Howard | 1917 | 1999 | |
Margules, DeHirsch | 1899 | 1965 | |
Marsicano, Nicholas | 1908 | 1991 | |
Marsicano, Susan Kamen | |||
Martin, Fletcher | 1904 | 1979 | |
Mason, Nan | 1896 | 1982 | |
Matteson, Bartow Van Voorhis | 1894 | 1984 | |
Mattson, Henry | 1887 | 1971 | |
McCarthy, Carol | |||
McCarthy, Clarence A. J. | 1887 | 1953 | |
McCarthy, John | |||
McClellan, John Ward | 1908 | 1986 | |
McDaniel, Richard | 1948 | ||
McEvoy, Eugenie | 1879 | 1975 | |
McGloughlin, Kate | 1962 | ||
McKnight, Alan | 1936 | ||
Mecklem, Austin | 1894 | 1951 | |
Meltsner, Paul | 1905 | 1966 | |
Metz, Frank | 1925 | ||
Miller, Hester Murray | 1903 | 1984 | |
Millman, Edward | 1907 | 1964 | |
Minewski, Alex | 1917 | 1979 | |
Moore, Herman | 1887 | 1968 | |
Morgan, Norma | 1928 | 2017 | |
Mousseau, Roland | 1899 | 1980 | |
Mower, H.W. | |||
Mowry, Elizabeth | 1940 | ||
Myer, Kathryn | |||
Naylor, Paul | 1941 | 2017 | |
Nelson, Basha Ruth | |||
Neustadt, Barbara | 1922 | 1998 | |
Nichols, John Crampton | 1899 | 1963 | |
O'Dell, Althea | 1921 | 2001 | |
Ott, Lynfield | 1928 | 1998 | |
Oxhandler, Herman | 1892 | 1977 | |
Ozanne, Ellen | 1900 | ||
Pachner, William | 1915 | 2017 | |
Pantell, Richard | 1951 | ||
Peters, Walt | 1894 | 1985 | |
Petersham, Maude Fuller | 1889 | 1971 | |
Petersham, Miska | 1888 | 1960 | |
Petrov, Dimitri | 1919 | 1986 | |
Pike, John | 1917 | 1979 | |
Plochmann, Carolyn Gassan | 1926 | ||
Pollet, Joseph | 1897 | 1979 | |
Pope, Thomas Benjamin | 1834 | 1891 | |
Powell, Alfred J. | |||
Presser, Josef | 1909 | 1967 | |
Refregier, Anton | 1905 | 1979 | |
Revzan, Daniel | 1908 | 1996 | |
Reynolds, Robert DePew | 1936 | 1985 | |
RKE (Unknown artist) | |||
Rohland, Caroline Speare | 1885 | 1964 | |
Rohland, Paul | 1884 | 1949 | |
Rolfe, Edmund B. | 1877 | 1917 | |
Rosen, Charles | 1878 | 950 | |
Rosenborg, Ralph M. | 1913 | 1992 | |
Roth, Wolfgang | 1910 | 1988 | |
Rothe, Mildred | 1903 | 1983 | |
Ruellan, Andree | 1905 | 2006 | |
Scarlett, Rolph | 1889 | 1984 | |
Schnitzler, August | |||
Schrader, Gustave | 1900 | 1985 | |
Schreibman, Charles | |||
Schumacher, William E. | 1870 | 1931 | |
Schutze, Eva Watson | 1867 | 1935 | |
Seaton, Emily | |||
See, Prudence | 1940 | ||
Segalman, Richard | 1934 | 2021 | |
Selkowitz, Robert | 1951 | ||
Serger, Frederick | 1879 | 1965 | |
Shotwell, Helen Harvey | 1908 | 1989 | |
Shultis, Ervin L. | |||
Sirugo, Sal | 1920 | 2013 | |
Sloan, Allan E. | 1902 | 1999 | |
Slowinski, Tim | 1957 | ||
Sluizer, Kurt | 1911 | 1988 | |
Slusser, Jean Paul | 1886 | 1978 | |
Slutzky-Tenerowicz, Carol | |||
Small, Hannah | 1903 | 1992 | |
Smith, Anita Miller | 1893 | 1968 | |
Smith, Judson | 1880 | 1962 | |
Smith, Mary Dufresne | 1877 | 1967 | |
Sorenson, Kay | 1936 | 2019 | |
Spanier, Sam | 1925 | 2008 | |
Speicher, Eugene | 1883 | 1962 | |
Stagg, Jessica | 1891 | 1958 | |
Steckler, Louis | 1899 | ||
Steele, Zulma (Parker) | 1881 | 1979 | |
Steffen, Bernard J. | 1907 | 1980 | |
Stein, Frances | 1903 | 1985 | |
Steinhilber, Walter | 1879 | ||
Stone, Ramona | |||
Stoughtenburg, David | |||
Striebel, John Henry | 1892 | 1962 | |
Summers, Nancy | 1927 | 2018 | |
Tagliarino, Salvatore | 1946 | ||
Tandler, Rudolph | 1887 | 1940 | |
Tannin, Harriet | 1929 | 2009 | |
Taylor, John Williams | 1897 | 1983 | |
Temple | |||
Thatcher, Ned | 1883 | 1965 | |
Turnbull, James Baare | 1909 | 1976 | |
Uehara, Carole | |||
Van Rijn, Eva | 1936 | ||
Varian, Dorothy | 1895 | 1985 | |
Vincent, Richard | |||
Von Arenburg, Mark | |||
Vukovic, Mark | 1892 | 1973 | |
Wachtel, Roman | 1908 | 1985 | |
Walters, Carl | 1883 | 1955 | |
Ward, William "Willie" | 1927 | 1991 | |
Washington, Koch | |||
Wassmer, Theodore | 1910 | 2006 | |
Weinstein, Florence | 1895 | 1989 | |
West, William Duke | |||
Wetterau, Rudolf | 1890 | 1953 | |
Wetterau, Margaret | |||
White, Jean | 1935 | 2021 | |
Whittredge, Euphemia | |||
Wickiser, Ralph L. | 1910 | 1998 | |
Wilson, Dorothy Gilbert | 1889 | 1988 | |
Wilson, Floyd | 1887 | 1945 | |
Wilson, Reginald | 1909 | 1993 | |
Wiltz, Arnold | 1889 | 1937 | |
Wiltz, Madeline Shiff | 1885 | 1966 | |
Winslow, Earle B. | 1884 | 1969 | |
Winternight, Nancy | |||
Winters, Denny (Cherry) | 1907 | 1985 | |
Woiceske, Ronau William | 1887 | 1953 | |
Woiceske, Elizabeth Bush | 1883 | 1958 | |
Wrolsen, Jean | 1920 | 1998 | |
Zaidenberg, Arthur | 1903 | 1990 | |
Zhang, Renee | |||
Ziegler, Hank | |||
Zimm, Bruno Louis | 1876 | 1943 | |
Zimmer, Melanie Pasiencier | 1930 | 2000 |